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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Chapter 9 Vocab

    1. Popular Sovereignty: The authority of the government comes from the people; the government gets its power from the people.
    2. Legislative Branch: The part of government that makes the laws; Congress
    3. Bill: A law that hasn’t been passed yet; once the president signs a bill, it becomes a law.
    4. Bicameral: 2 houses—refers to Congress being made up of 2 groups
    5. Veto: What the president can say to bill when he doesn’t like it; its his way of saying “NO”
    6. Executive Branch: The president’s part of the government that is supposed to carry out (enforce or execute) the laws.
    7. Impeach: To formally accuse or to put on trial; usually talking about the president
    8. Judicial Branch: The part of government made up of judges and courts that interpret (or make sense of) the laws.
    9. Checks and Balances: A system in government that prevents or makes sure that no one branch of government becomes too strong
    10. Interstate commerce: Trade between the different states
    11. Federalism: The system of sharing power between the state governments and the national government
    12. Party: An organized political group that tries to get people elected
    13. Interest group: An organized group that is concerned with usually just one thing and tries to get laws passed in their favor (I.E., NRA)
    14. Majority Rule: When there’s a vote, the majority wins. 
    15. Amendment: A change to the Constitution
    16. Simple Majority: more than half
    17. Super Majority: 2/3 or more
    18. Office: A government job (I.E., Office of the President)

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